contact me at jbell@sssd.k12.co.us and attach your poem. You should still be able to comment on other's poems.

These are posts from Juniors at Steamboat Springs High School

The poems were written during our unit on Imperialism in the Middle East - Enjoy!

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Treasure-Finder's Burden

The burden of a treasure-finder
Is more than one may think.
To own a treasure for yourself,
You must first value the thing.
As with a pirate and a treasure chest,
Or a librarian with a book,
Whatever you are after,
You always first must look.
The journey and the paths you take
To find that one true treasure,
Is one that tries the finder
Before rewarding them with pleasure.


  1. oh wow. i really enjoyed reading this poem because it made me think...what is my own treasure?

  2. I felt that this almost had two sides two it. The treasure could be a toy or trinket, but by the end i began to feel like the direction was leading me to realize that a what makes a true treasure is when it's worth the time to find for the perfect piece of happiness.

  3. Anna, you did a nice job with the rhyme and rhythm of this piece, and you give valuable advice. The last four lines are my favorite. I would like to see more visual and sensory imagery though. Good job overall.
