contact me at jbell@sssd.k12.co.us and attach your poem. You should still be able to comment on other's poems.

These are posts from Juniors at Steamboat Springs High School

The poems were written during our unit on Imperialism in the Middle East - Enjoy!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Anna Poirot--Tic

I am born.
I am hearing, seeing all around me.
No more.
I see blackness. Moving.
More talking, my ears buzz with excitement.
It is bright. The sangtity of my swollen heart seems
Filled. Glee. Children.
Tic. men in suits. Tic.
Some argue also. Some cry. Tic. It smells of dirt,
Like the desert, tic, a hot day. Tic. I taste sand. Tic.
Child fights with mother. Tic.
Woman recieves news: divorce. Tic tic.
And I explode.


  1. anna i like how you use tic as a motif it makes me feel like i am hearing the bomb starting to go off as i am looking around to what is going on. i really allows the reader to understand the poem visually and physically.

  2. i also really like you how you made tic a motif. it makes me feel like im there and it gives me suspense from the the beginning of the poem, because i know the bomb is gonna go off at some point. also i really like how you made up people because it give imagery as to what is going on and from the suicide bombers perspective.

  3. i like how it makes me feel like i am there and the bomb is right next to me. it sends like chills down my spine just thinking about it.

  4. Anna, I really like how you took the perspective of the bomb. I think it makes the poem much more unique and interesting, and it helps convey the message of the poem really well.

  5. I like that the tics in the poem keep getting faster and closer together like it its really going off (I'm trying not to repeat what was already said, oh well).
    But I really like it, like Chris said, it just makes you feel like you have chills.

  6. Anna, as stated by your readers, the motif is very affective for this poem. I also like the first flash of images is birth and senses while the second flash of images is darkness...then happiness and brightness. Great contrasts. I like how the frequency of the ticking increases.
    For corrections...sanctity is misspelled and I'd break the third line of the poem so you have three lines between the first two clicks.
