contact me at jbell@sssd.k12.co.us and attach your poem. You should still be able to comment on other's poems.

These are posts from Juniors at Steamboat Springs High School

The poems were written during our unit on Imperialism in the Middle East - Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

No Love

to tell the truth needs courage
we cant show rage
our faith is going over an edge
countries killing each other
kids cry for their mothers
people lie to one another
love should be better
an act of action needs to be shown
donde esta el amor
no more bombs
this madness needs end
is now or never


  1. Awesome poem Jose! You get across the mood of anger towards war and your wish for it to be peaceful and loving. I also love how you add in a spanish line! The only confusing part was the first line "to tell the truth needs courage." are you saying that truth needs courage? But other than that great poem!

  2. I really enjoyed the realism in this poem. Your thoughts are very true and you were able to convey them in an interesting way. The Spanish was a good addition too.

  3. Wow! I love how you add the spanish line, it really made the poem all come together! The way you broke up the lines really made the poem more powerful.

  4. Jose, I agree with your first line - it does take courage to tell the truth and do the right thing. I would like you to work on making the poem even tighter... for example, the last line could be "now or never" - which is more powerful by removing "is."
