contact me at jbell@sssd.k12.co.us and attach your poem. You should still be able to comment on other's poems.

These are posts from Juniors at Steamboat Springs High School

The poems were written during our unit on Imperialism in the Middle East - Enjoy!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Challenge Everything

How do Humans advance ourselves?
We do it by challenging everything;
Things like Schools and Governments.
Schools used to teach the world was flat,
But Columbus didn't agree,
So he challenged that.
Don't stop there, what about the Government?
So what if they have lots of power,
That didn't stop the Founding Fathers.
So stand up for you beliefs,
Even if you're the only one.

By Jeff Gay


  1. Jeff, I love your poem's message! It is true that great things happen when we challenge everything and stand up for our beliefs. I especially like the lines "So what if they have lots of power, / That didn't stop the Founding Fathers." This reminds me that our country was built on these concepts. Nice work with rhyme too. I would like you to work on incorporating more figurative language into your poem.

  2. i really like your poem! it gives the reader a scense of motivation and bravery to stand up for what they believe.
